tisdag 24 mars 2009

The Pathologist - part 1 (necro)

This story contains rough language and necrophilia. You have been warned.

The snow fell heavy and fast and the Manhattan skyline was more white than black, although it was almost midnight. There had always been snow I December, but this was ridiculous. The old ´57 Mustang had a hard time keeping on the road, but since the driver was driving all alone on the streets of New York this evening, it didn’t really matter as long as he kept the speed down. In the trunk a dead girl laid wrapped in an old blanket. The car was heading for Leon’s Funeral Home (known as LFH). Leon was a friend of the driver, and always dealt in complete secrecy. The Mustang slowly entered the alley behind LFH. As the engine was shut down, Leon himself came out through the backdoor and went up to the driver and said:
-Martin, you sure took your sweet time! What kept you?
-What do you think?! The snow of course!
-Right, right. Well come on, let’s get her inside.

Martin popped the trunk, grabbed her arms and told Leon to grab her legs. Once inside, they put her on a table, and while Martin went out to lock the car, Leon removed the body from the blanket.
The dead girl was beautiful. She was 17 years old, had long blonde hair, thin, and dressed in dark blue jeans and a black top. The marks on her neck indicated that a heavy duty rope had been used to choke her to death.
The door closed. Martin entered. The only light sources in the room were the fire from the cremation oven and a dimmed glow from the light bulb in the ceiling.
-Martin…what happened?
-She’s my niece.
-What? Your niece?
-Yeah. She, uh…well, she came home to me. I came home from work around 6pm and as soon as I entered the house I heard some noise from the sauna in the bathroom. You can tell if came from the sauna, because all sounds from in there gets a little muffled. Anyway, I entered the bathroom only to see my wife being anally fucked by my niece, with a strap on.
-And because of this, you kill your niece?
-No, no…well yes, you could say that, I guess.
-What do you mean, Martin?
-My niece and I had sex a week ago, and I got so terrified that she would tell my wife that I just had to do something. I looked around and in the bathtub I saw a rope we use on our sailing boat, which we clean in the bathtub. I grabbed in, sneaked up behind my niece in the sauna and strangled her. As you know, my wife is blind, so I don’t think she understood it was me.

Leon looks at her and strokes her hair.
-She’s beautiful, he says.
-Isn’t she?
-How was she in bed?
-Wild! A real firecracker.
-You used…umm…
-Protection? Yes, of course. Not that it matters anymore.
-Well, I guess not, Martin. Anyway, should we dispose of her?
-I suppose so, Leon. So how do we do this, do we lift her in or…?
-No, we just put her on that steel table over there and then shove the table in with her on it and wait for the fire to do that it does best.
-Alright, let’s do it.
They lift her body and put her on the steel table and shove it into the oven.
-Let’s leave, Martin, this’ll take a while, and besides, burnt flesh doesn’t carry a nice smell with it.

7:59am, the next day…

As Martin enters the door to his office at the local Pathologist’s Office, where he works alone, his partner from another Pat’s Office is waiting for him.
-Oh, hello Martin, how are you?
-Hi there, Frank. I’m alright, a little tired is all, didn’t get much sleep last night.
-I know the feeling, my friend. Listen, I suppose you’re wondering why I’m here.
-The thought have crossed my mind, yes.
-We got a new victim last night, and you won’t believe who it is.

“It can’t be my niece. It can’t! I left no trace, no trail at all! She is ashes now, nowhere to be seen, nowhere to be found”, Martin is thinking in seconds after Frank’s question. He finally replies:
-Who is it?
-The Mayor’s daughter, Lynette.

Although she was a wonderful girl who had helped many hobos from the streets, Martin was glad that it was her instead of something about his niece.
-Yes, Frank.
-Did she die in my district?
-No, she didn’t. That’s why I’m here. You’re the best pathologist in NY, Martin. The Mayor and the Chief of Police personally told me to hand the case to you. She’s in the lab, Martin.
-Thanks, Frank. I’m kind of eager to get on it, the case that is, but how about lunch some day?
-Sounds good, old friend. I’ll give you a call.

The shake hands and Martin is soon alone again. He change into his work clothes and walks in to start working on Lynette. He picks up the chart that Frank had left beside the body, start the tape recorder and reads out loud from chart:
-December 11th, 2008. It’s 0817am. Presiding is I, Martin Shield, pathologist. The victim is the daughter of Josiah Stone, the Mayor of New York. Her name is Lynette Stone, age 21. Cause of death is a bullet in the forehead, shot through her head and brain. Exit wound is at the back of the head. The entry wound is very clean, even though it has been cleaned by my colleague Frank Duke, which indicates that the murder weapon was fired only a few centimeters from her forehead. I will now commence investigation.
He puts down the chart and stops the recorder. He removes the blue blanket that covers the body. Lynette naked body is still beautiful. Because of the fact that she was pale before death, the paleness that follows a person’s death didn’t do much difference.
“My God, what a body”, he thinks and he observes her. He puts his hand on her chest and stroke her nipples. “Wow! It’s like they’re still hard”. He feels his cock stiffens a little when the blood flows through it. He decide to play a little with her dead body. He locks all doors and gets undressed. When he stands totally naked, with his large cock pointing straight out, he trembles. It’s been almost 8 years since he started working as a pathologist, but never has never felt this…urge before. He’s nervous, but extremely turned on at the same time. He knows he can’t get caught if only he’s careful, if the body is cleaned afterwards. And he’s the only one with keys to the doors. He starts by gently pressing his lips against hers. They are cold, but because of his warm breath and lips, hers are soon warm enough for it to feel comfortable. He opens her eyelids so he can look into her dead eyes as he kisses her, and with his left hand he caresses her large breasts and with his right hand he jerks his cock. He even shoves his tongue down her throat. After a couple of minutes he moves his lips from hers and surrounds one of her nipples with them, while his tongue licks it and his teeth nibble at them. Not long after starting, he gets so excited that bites a little too hard and cuts through her skin with his teeth so the nipple loosens a little from the body. Good thing she’s dead or blood would pour out. He stops and walks down to her feet. He grabs her ankles and drags the body so her ass is right on the edge of the table, her legs hanging down from it. He places her ankles on his own shoulders, bends over her body and tries to aim with his stiff cock to enter her dead pussy, but no such luck. She’s too tight and too dry. From his operating table he grabs the bottle of silicon which he sometimes uses to rub all over his gloves before doing some operations, and rubs some on his cock and even more on her pussy. Once again, he places her ankles on his shoulders, hovers over her and presses his big dick into her tight, cold, dead twat. Her dead eyes stare at him as he thrusts his cock into her. If she were alive she’d be screaming in agony, she’d use her nails to tear of the skin from his back, and she would certainly get slapped hard. Her pale breasts bounce as Martin thrust.
-You are so beautiful, my love. Even in your death you have the beauty of a Goddess.
He shouts her name out loud when he feels his foreskin being dragged down, letting his now revealed glans hit the walls of her pussy. He also licks her feet and sucks on her toes as he keeps fucking that dead bitch in front of him. It doesn’t take long for him to feel that he is cuming. In the matter 5 seconds he can come up with over 10 places where to shoot his warm sperm, but he decides to fill her up, right in her twat. He takes a deep breath, pounds her dead body even harden and fucks her until he screams her name out in a seemingly endless orgasm, shooting his sperm into her uterus. As he pulls out several minutes later, his cock hasn’t slackened yet. His white love nectar is still coursing through his cock, and even more so out of Lynette’s dead pussy. Now she lays there, with her back on the table and her legs hanging from the edge of the table to the floor, one from the back of the table and one from the left side of the table. If she’d had been alive, she just might have become pregnant. Her eyes are still open. They look up towards the ceiling, but with no end in sight. It’s so quite in the operating room that one can almost hear the landing of the sperm drops, when they exit either Lynette’s pussy or Martin’s cock and drops to the stone tiles that make up the floor. But it’s far from over. A million naughty, sick thoughts course through Martin’s head. A million things he wants to do to the dead body in front of him. But he will have to be quick, her body won’t last forever. He puts her body back to its original position on the table and rolls her into the shower to clean both her and him up. No one must ever know what happens in this OR. After the shower, Martin gets dressed and rolls the body of Lynette Duke into the morgue-like freezer that will keep her body in mint condition, at least “until the next time I want to play with that little slut”, Martin says to himself.

End of part 1

2 kommentarer:

  1. Awsome! Feels quite weird to get hard reading all this sick twisted stories, but cant help it ;)
    Only thing missing is some pics or illustrations *s*

  2. hi,

    i like your stories :-). There dirty and very kinky. Love the little feet thing lol. Would love that to be workt out more though. :) anyway congratz! nice story.

    Nick nicolas_verhaert@hotmail.com
